Tuesday, October 18, 2011

League Match 1

League Match 1 is in the books! It took place at St. Cyril on Oct. 15th. The Harelson chess team did extremely well, placing in 5th in the K-3 section in what is only the first or second tournament for many kids. Great job!

This was also a rated tournament. To check your child's rating, click on USCF's Member Search List

League Match 2 will take place on Nov. 5 at our school!  Stay tuned for information on how YOU can help make this tournament a success!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Helpful Chess Links and Holiday Gifts

For our K-6 student-players, I highly recommend chesskid.com!  Basic membership will give players opportunities to play both slow and fast chess with others online.  This site also provides FUN and HIGHLY INSTRUCTIVE puzzles, tactics, and articles and videos, which I often use to teach!  I also recommend chesstempo.com  a dedicated site for free tactics!  Problem-solve with puzzles!  Sign up is a breeze!
Players may begin on the basic (free) account then upgrade.  Interested?  E-mail me at amateer@email.arizona.edu.  

National Chess Day!

Celebrate National Chess Day on Saturday, October 8th! Bookmans on Speedway and Wilmot is hosting a free chess event from 2 P.M. to 4 P.M.! Open to all!
